组 2004.png__PID:4e855eb6-c15b-41db-8d19-b9393338c655
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组 2005.png__PID:dba552b3-6731-4085-aaea-3f496511bda1
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组 2009.png__PID:aaea3f49-6511-4da1-87cb-195672c28fee

Geoguru Pool Mapping and
Navigation System

Map the pool first, then clean it thoroughly

01 AI池映射-修复后.png__PID:a8c5e260-5930-49cf-a198-a72edd14921e

Map First, Clean Later, Efficient Cleaning

The SUBLUE BN Pro uses SUBLUE's proprietary GeoGururm pool mapping and navigation system, integrating 7 types of sensors. It uniquely combines ultrasound and infrared laser technology with our self-developed AI underwater positioning navigation algorithm. The SUBLUE BN Pro maps the pool first, achieving over 3 times the efficiency of traditional pool cleaners before starting the cleaning process. This ensures unparalleled cleaning performance.

组 1993.png__PID:7d195a7b-f6f2-43a9-ad63-c35ca082e32b
蒙版组 24.png__PID:a96d63c3-5ca0-42e3-ab5e-5e627294872b

Dual Smart Path TechnologyOur industry-leading S-path planning design is perfect for all pool types.
It ensures thorough cleaning of your pool,including the floor, walls, and waterline.


Scrub, Suction, Filter 3-in-1 for Powerful Cleaning


Differential Active Brush for Stubborn Debris

Equipped with dual high-speed front brushes, our 3.3 times differential design effectively removes stubborn debris.

Powerful Motor Produces a Strong Suction


Powered by a high-performance 100W motor, it generates a robust suction of 18m³/h (4755 GPH), effortlessly capturing stones up to 3cm in diameter and 20g in weight, as well as large leaves up to 20cm in length, ensuring thorough cleaning.



Strong suction


Double-layered Filter Traps All Impurities

The SUBLUE BN Pro’s dual filtration system captures rocks, leaves, hair, sand,
algae,and particles as small as 70 microns.


High-Capacity Filtration

With a 4.5L filtration basket, the SUBLUE BN Pro accommodates extensive debris, enabling prolonged and large-scale cleaning sessions.


Top-Load Filtration Basket

The top-load design of the filtration basket simplifies dirt removal, eliminating the need for manual handling and making cleanup effortless.

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Unmatched Maneuverability

Engineered for any pool shape and type.


Caterpillar Wheels for Superior Maneuverability and Obstacle-Crossing

With robust dual drive motors and flexible caterpillar wheels, the SUBLUE BN Pro effortlessly maneuvers through diverse pool shapes. The caterpillar wheels provide enhanced traction and effortlessly tackle obstacles up to 3cm (1.2 inches), ensuring extensive coverage.

Effective Cleaning of Steps and Steep Slopes

Complete Cleaning of Pool Bottom, Walls, and Waterline

Wireless Design for Lightness and Convenience

No need to bother with laying out and hauling cables, which means simpler storage and easier use, freeing you from storage headaches. Forget about worries over cable length limits, tangles, knots, and damage.


Smart App Control

With the SUBLUE ROBOT app, you can enjoy WiFi-based remote control, real-time cleaning maps,
progress tracking, scheduling, notifications for any issues, cleaning logs,
water temperature monitoring, and more.

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Waterline Docking

After completing cleaning or when the battery level drops below 5%, it automatically docks itself by the poolside. A one-button auto-waterline docking feature ensures effortless retrieval.

5 Cleaning Modes

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Exceptional Battery Performance

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A single charge lasts up to a week for domestic pools (cleaning 3 times a week, 2 hours each session).

The advanced BMS battery management system ensures rapid charging, fully charging in just 3.5 hours.

High-Performance Lithium Battery

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Consistent Runtime

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Intuitive Control Panel

LED indicator lights intuitively display the machine's status. With just a few button presses, you can relax while it restores your pool to pristine condition.


OTA Remote Upgrades for Continuous Function Evolution

Regular background updates ensure the continuous enhancement of product features. With OTA upgrades, the product adapts to more scenarios, offering users an evolving experience. Over time, it becomes better attuned to your pool and your preferences.

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组 1984.png__PID:2b40667d-4063-489d-b0b5-fa9eeb171523

For saltwater pools

When cleaning a saltwater pool with SUBLUE BN Pro, an optionalcounterweight is required.

Built to Endure

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Comprehensive safety andenvironmental certifications:

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组 1528.png__PID:7a9e1007-8e2c-430a-a357-f07e3ae84d00