Nothing can ruin your supposed-to-be-fun dive day quicker than feeling seasick. Motion sickness or seasickness is a result of a conflict among your senses. For example, your eyes see one thing, and your inner ear senses anything else. This is where the human balance mechanism resides because your brain cannot take all those mixed signals. It causes nausea, dizziness, and even vomiting.
Of course, you wouldn’t want to sit in the boat while everyone is having a blast exploring the ocean. Fortunately, there are things you can do to cope with seasickness. Keep reading to learn what to do when you feel seasick during the dive.
What To Do Before The Dive?
Make sure that you are mentally and physically rested. A good night's sleep is the best way to prevent motion sickness. Being tired can be more susceptible to motion sickness and worsen its symptoms.
The meal before your dive has a great factor in avoiding seasickness. Ensure you load up on carbohydrates and avoid eating greasy foods or caffeinated beverages, as they may contribute to motion sickness.
If you are someone who always feels seasick, ensure that you stop by any pharmacy and buy any over-the-counter medications. The best-known antiemetics used to relieve seasickness are Dramamine, Bonine, and Meclizine. You can take them 30 to 60 minutes before boarding the boat. But always remember that you should speak to your healthcare professional before trying any new medication.
What To Do During The Dive?
As soon as you feel nausea, watch the horizon and pay attention to your breathing pattern. When you focus on one motionless object, it will help relax your brain and will keep your eyes in sync with the motion of the boat.
One of the tips for seasickness is: Face the direction you’re headed. It will help keep your visual stimulus and inner ear balanced. Some divers who suffered seasickness say that sitting in the middle of the boat is helpful since it’s the most stable part.
Taking small sips of water can curb nausea. Hydrating your body will also relieve motion sickness.
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